U.s. President Barack Obama told flatly Kim Jong Un is just doing a mere provocation an unreasonable meaning he said. According to President Barack Obama on the basis of intelligence reports indicate North Korea and the Pentagon will not be able to build a nuclear missile, much less destroy us, he added Wednesday.

In Subsequent speeches, President Obama warned that North Korea can make more provocative moves in the coming weeks, in anticipation of us he said.

The North Korean Government denied North Korea, has rejected the idea of talks with the United States as a "cunning tactics". North Korea repeatedly rejected dialogue with the United States, in order to defuse the tension between the two countries, which are threatened.

from some of the discussions so far, President Barack Obama, doubted North Korea's ability to build a few nuclear explosive, as revealed by Pentagon intelligence report.

However, if North Korea really has the ability to build the country's nuclear ballistic missile, which could reach the West coast of the United States, and it would be a security threat for the United States. This is an actual war.

The rising tensions in the Korean peninsula compel foreign  in North Korea to immediately evacuate the citizens of his embassy staff as well as security reasons, Pyong Yang.