in terms of the scientific world Lymphatic filiarisis or known as Elephantiasis is marked by extreme swelling of hands or feet, and on her other body parts. The disease is caused by mosquitoes that transmit Wuchereria bancrofti, such as larvae of Brugia malayi and b. timori, through their bite. The larvae then larvae live inside the human body for years. In addition to the hands and feet, chest and genitals can also swell quickly.
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Elephantiasis disease |
Elephant foot disease is commonly detected through microscopic examination of blood, until now it still felt hard to do since the microfilaria only appear and present themselves in the blood at the time of the evening for some time or in other words (nocturnal periodicity).
However, in the case of Elephantiasis disease severe enough (already enlarged) because it is not detected quickly, in addition to administering the drugs would require follow-up actions such as operation. So I describe may be useful.